Monday, October 25, 2021

Global semiconductor shortage, Apple is finally serious ...


I don't know.

For gadget makers, this year has been a tough one. The global shortage of semiconductors has had a major impact on everything from game consoles to graphic cards. Meanwhile, I had the impression that Apple managed to endure it, but apparently that's it. There will be a delay in product shipment in the future.

According to a report by Bloomberg, the source of the story, Apple's new products announced this fall are expected to be delayed in shipment in the future. iPhone 13 series, iPad mini, iPad, Apple Watch Series 7 and MacBook Pro. In addition, the MacBook Air and iMac announced before the fall will be affected. Well, even if it says that it will be delayed, it is said that shipping will be from mid-November to December.

However, it seems that it depends on the area, for example, in New York City where the US Gizmodo editorial department is located, all iPhone 13 models are almost out of stock at any store . At the US official online store, it will be delivered at the end of November at the earliest, and it is difficult for users whose initial response is delayed to obtain it. In addition, it was reported earlier this month that Apple would lower its iPhone 13 production target by 10 million units this year, so it will take some time for the situation to improve.

For some reason, Apple's special polishing cloth, which should not be related to semiconductors, is now shipped in 10 to 12 weeks. Are you trying to test royalties not only on price but also on delivery time ...? It's highly rated by people who are already using cloth, so it may be more popular than expected.

Anyway, if you're looking for Apple products for Christmas or New Year's gifts this year, it's a good idea to stop early.

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