Monday, October 25, 2021

I want to try it first when I update it. 15 new features for Android 12


Android 12 out 

Starting with Google's Pixel (3 or later) , information about Appde will gradually come to Android devices from other manufacturers ~ Exciting. Let's prepare for the 15 new features that you want to try first after introducing them

1) Capture the entire screen up to the scroll destination

It's a feature that has been available for some time in Chrome, but it's finally possible to capture full screen on Android. You don't have to capture it like an inchworm-> scroll-> scroll-> scroll-> inchworm, and if you stitch the screenshots together, there will be one line missing and you will have to start over. Press the power button and volume down button at the same time to snap the display area. You can take and save the full screen including the scroll destination by pressing " Capture More " in the corner of the screen .

2) The search range has expanded

The search window, which used to only search the Web, can now search for contacts, communications, apps, and more. You can choose what you want to include in the search and what you don't.

3) Speedy automatic rotation. Pixel will match your face!

Google says that it wipes out the moody feeling of automatic rotation, and Android 12 switches between vertical and horizontal quickly, smoothly and accurately. When the face is lying down with the terminal, it seems that it can also judge whether it automatically rotates (though it is limited to Pixel). How do you identify the orientation of your face?

4) Check the latest privacy status on the dashboard

Android becomes more robust with each version upgrade. Security is perfect even in the latest version. From the settings menu, tap "Privacy"> "Security Dashboard" to get a panoramic view of the apps you have authorized within 24 hours.

5) I want to use Google's newly designed emoji!

Some of the pictograms have been redesigned to make them modern and simple. What has changed are croissants, snowmen, driveways, pies, and masked smiles. Click here for explanations and samples .

6) Game mode is also available

"Game mode" is now available on Android. In game mode, you'll be optimized for a high-load hardware environment, and you'll be able to block notifications and focus on your play. Open "Notifications", tap "Do not Disturb"> "Schedule" and press the "Gaming" gear icon to open the game settings screen. If you enable "Create Shortcut" here, it seems that dashboard shortcuts will be displayed during the game.

7) Open multiple Chrome windows

For the first time on mobile, the ability to open multiple windows and tabs has also been realized in collaboration with Google Chrome for Android. It is available from the main browser menu. Split screen view has also been enhanced in Android 12, so it seems to be useful when splitting.

8) Quickly switch Wi-Fi

Improved where it was a little difficult to switch. In 12, just swipe down from the top of the screen and tap "Internet" to display a list of networks that can be used like this, so you can switch to your favorite Wi-Fi here or turn on / on the Wi-Fi connection. You can switch off.

9) More types of quick settings

The quick settings panel ( displayed with a two-finger swipe from the top to the bottom of the screen ) has a full range of functions and settings that can be operated. Not only smart homes, but also Google Pay and new accessibility settings can be done here. Tap the pen icon at the bottom left and select the button you want to display

10) Turn off the camera and microphone with a single tap

The operation to turn off the camera and microphone is also easy, and if you enter this screen with a two-finger swipe from the top to the bottom of the screen, you can turn it off with one tap. The nice thing about Android 12 is that if you have an app that uses a camera or microphone, it will be displayed at the top of the screen.

11) The annual Easter egg, this time ... an analog clock

You can't talk about the latest version of Android without talking about Easter eggs. Open "Settings", go to " About phone" > "Android version information", and tap "Android version information" several times. This will bring up an analog clock, so try manually spinning the hands of the clock until you're satisfied. Surprise is also available at 12PM (or 12AM).

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